Do Americans REALLY score more positively than Europeans?

In a previous blog, I wrote that Europeans were more stingy than Americans when it came to customer feedback. Or words to that effect. So do Americans REALLY score more positively than Europeans? Since then, people have been asking if this is REALLY true. In other words, where is the evidence for this claim? Well, yes […]

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Satisfaction or ‘Statisfaction’?

One of my esteemed colleagues recently sent a draft document to me that had a typo – satisfaction had been spelt with an extra ‘t’, making up a new word ‘statisfaction’. That got me thinking! I have been involved in numerous movements and initiatives to drive customer-focused business improvement for over 25 years – from […]

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Our Biggest Customer Is A Bully. Help!

B2Bullying Management Today has an interesting article about bullying in this month’s edition. No, not online bullying or workplace bullying, but B2Bullying. B2Bullying is what happens when a (typically large) buyer makes continued unreasonable demands on a (typically small) supplier. In many cases, the buyer represents a significant proportion of the supplier’s business.     Case […]

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Trusted Relationships = Consistently Good Service

Trusted Relationships At Deep-Insight, I spend a lot of my time trying to help our clients figure out how to build strong trusted relationships with their B2B (Business-to-Business) customers. Trust is all about honesty, fairness and acting with integrity. It’s one of the most basic elements of human interaction. And perhaps the most basic element […]

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