Avoiding the CX Rat Trap

A story of rats, cobras and economists This is a story about rats, cobras and economists (and no, they’re not the same thing!) but it’s primarily a blog about a British economist called Charles Goodhart and his take on target setting, key performance indicators (KPIs) and the law of unintended consequences. Goodhart is a man […]

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The B2B Blindspot: Why NPS Isn’t Enough

Why do so many B2B CX programmes fail? Later this year, Bert Paesbrugghe will be hosting a LinkedIn webinar called The B2B Customer Success Blindspot: Why NPS Isn’t Enough. It sounds like it will be a good session and I have cheekily borrowed his title for this blog as it got me thinking about some of the reasons […]

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New Year’s Resolution: Measure Net Revenue Retention

Do New Year’s resolutions work? A few weeks ago, the Washington Post ran an article entitled Here’s a better way to make New Year’s resolutions. In the article, Lindsey Bever points out that the conventional wisdom is that New Year’s resolutions typically fail. However, a closer look at the data shows that many people do […]

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“Excellence in CX” Awards 2023 – That’s a Wrap!

Congratulations to our 2023 Winners This is the second year of Deep-Insight “Excellence in CX” Awards. These awards focus on companies that we have worked with in 2023 that have embraced our Customer Relationship Quality (CRQ) framework and methodology to make meaningful change for both their customers and their employees.  That makes us very proud! […]

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Pelican wins “Best Focus on ERQ 2023” Award

It’s time to announce the final winner in Deep-Insight’s “Excellence in CX” Awards this year. Doing the right thing for customers means doing the right thing for your employees. We award the “Best Focus on ERQ” prize to the company that shows the greatest interest in Employee Relationship Quality (ERQ), the sister methodology to CRQ. […]

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