“Excellence in CX” Awards 2023 – That’s a Wrap!

“Excellence in CX” Awards 2023 – That’s a Wrap!

Congratulations to our 2023 Winners

This is the second year of Deep-Insight “Excellence in CX” Awards.

These awards focus on companies that we have worked with in 2023 that have embraced our Customer Relationship Quality (CRQ) framework and methodology to make meaningful change for both their customers and their employees. 

That makes us very proud!

Before we talk about the winners, let’s answer the following question:

What do we mean by ‘Excellence in CX’?

Deep-Insight is a small team of Customer Experience (CX) consultants who work extremely closely with our customers. The single question which drives us in each engagement is “will this programme inspire transformation in our client organisations?”.

Transformation does not need to be, and usually isn’t, a huge significant event in itself. When done well, transformation is a series of small, well thought through changes and improvements. Transformation is only worth it if it leads to growth, and it always does when it is inspired by the customer.

Also, we are not interested in vanity projects! We are focused on our core mission of Inspiring Transformation i.e. effective, growth-oriented use of Customer Experience (CX) and Employee Experience (EX).

This is what excellence in customer experience looks like and it is the foundation on which our customers build their CX and EX programmes.


open eir wins Best CRQ Newcomer 2023 award

open eir has been awarded Best CRQ Newcomer in the Deep-Insight Excellence in CX Awards for 2023. We are thrilled for them.

If you live in Ireland, you’ll know open eir. It’s the wholesale arm of Ireland’s largest telecommunications company. At some point you will have seen their vans on the streets, and their technicians out and about, installing fibre lines and connections into business premises and homes across Ireland. 

This is a truly deserved award as it’s hard to believe that open eir’s very first Customer Relationship Quality (CRQ) assessment was launched to its customers as recently as October 2023.

Maeve O’Malley recently took on the role as Managing Director at open eir Wholesale and in recent weeks has been leading the charge with open eir’s response to its clients and partners.

Maeve has over 24 years of experience in the telecommunications industry and joined eir in 2013. According to Maeve:

open eir is delighted to be working with Deep-Insight and are already finding huge value in the insights and input from the team as we continue our journey of transforming our customers’ and partners’ experience with us.”

Best CRQ Engagement

When we run a Customer Relationship Quality (CRQ) assessment at Deep-Insight, the average completion rate for our surveys is around 35%. If it is a first-time assessment, the average participation rate is lower – typically 30%. So that’s the figure we were expecting to achieve at Insight.

However, the senior leadership team at Insight had different plans. Jill MurrayVice President Marketing EMEA at Insight led the programme. Adrian GregoryPresident of EMEA, sponsored it. Together, they felt that 30% was a pretty low hurdle to achieve so they mobilised their regional and country managers, plus all of their account managers, to start a conversation with key clients across Europe. The message was simple: We want to be better partners for you, so we need your help to tell us what we’re good at, and where we need to improve.

Insight contacted 203 key individuals – key decision makers, influencers and operational contacts – from a selection of their strategic clients across Europe. 100 of the 203 responded – a whopping 49% engagement rate

Jill Murray has this to say about receiving the award:

Our unwavering commitment to our clients drives us to constantly improve our solutions and expertise in order to provide exceptional service. It is with great pride that we accept this award from Deep-Insight, a testament to the hard work and dedication of our teams in building strong client relationships and driving meaningful business outcomes.

As a leading Solutions Integrator, we are thrilled to continue supporting our clients on their digital journeys and enhancing the experience we deliver.

Best CRQ Score

DWF, a long-standing customer of ours, has been awarded Best CRQ Score in Deep-Insight’s “Excellence in CX” Awards this year.

We will always be the first to say that great Customer Experience should NOT be about scores only. It’s about much more than that. However, this year we want to recognise DWF for their amazing Customer Relationship Quality (CRQ) scores regardless as they have been consistently rewarded with glowing reviews from their clients as part of the CRQ programme.

With a CRQ score of 6.0 (as well as a Net Promoter Score of +62) we can call this a truly phenomenal set of scores. On top of this, DWF is notorious within Deep-Insight for struggling to get their clients to give any negative feedback at all – a true testament to how much their clients value their relationships with DWF!


Sir Nigel Knowles is CEO of DWF, having previously served as Chairman of the Group from September 2017 to May 2020. Sir Nigel Knowles shared:

“We are very proud of this award from Deep-Insight which reflects the exceptional client relationships we have been able to develop thanks to the hard work, dedication and excellence of our colleagues.

The valuable insights provided by Deep Insight are helping us to go even further, continuing to enhance the way we support our clients.”

Focus on Employee Relationship Quality (ERQ)

Doing the right thing for customers means doing the right thing for your employees.

We award the “Best Focus on ERQ” prize to the company that shows the greatest interest in Employee Relationship Quality (ERQ), the sister methodology to CRQ.

Pelican Self Storage has been a client of ours for years, and it has been a privilege watching the Pelican management team take the views of its employees so seriously over that time.


Burkhart Franz is CEO of Pelican and has always been a huge advocate for his management team and all of his employees across Denmark, Sweden and Finland.

“Our twice-a-year employee satisfaction surveys, alternating the eNPS (employee Net Promoter Score) question and the more in-depth Employee Relationship Quality (ERQ) assessment are now in their 7th year.

They have clearly made Pelican a more employee-focused organization. Over the years we have addressed many issues that had previously wiped the smiles off the faces of our collaborators, from slow internet connections and faulty printer set-ups to significant changes in management style, workplace scheduling and internal communication. As a result, we have very low employee churn in what are otherwise red hot labor markets; a premium service proposition; and the happiest customers in our industry.”