We have a fantastic NPS score, again! – but its not the full story

Great News We are genuinely delighted to announce that our NPS (Net Promoter Score) and CRQTM (Customer Relationship Quality) scores are fantastic, again! Stifle that yawn – I promise it gets more interesting.  We are very proud of this picture. Most of our customers are promoters – they love our products and services and are […]

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The Lionesses have a Net Promoter Score of -82

Back to one of my pet topics: What is a ‘Good’ Net Promoter Score?  More specifically, what’s a good Net Promoter Score score for a football team? OK, I know NPS wasn’t designed as a footballing metric but bear with me as I try to illustrate a point about how Net Promoter Score works and […]

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Things that never happened: a Net Promoter Score of 91

Net Promoter Score I came across two posts on LinkedIn recently where two separate business-to-business (B2B) companies – one professional services company and one IT services provider – announced the exact same Net Promoter Score results from their clients: +91. The spokesman for the profession services company was particularly chuffed: “We were delighted with the results of the […]

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Is the Service Recovery Paradox true for B2B relationships?

The Service Recovery Paradox (SRP) A couple of years ago, I wrote a blog called The Service Recovery Paradox – Fact or Myth?  Today I’m looking more specifically at whether the Service Recovery Paradox is true for business-to-business (B2B) relationships. But first, a quick recap on the basics of SRP.  The Service Recovery Paradox is a […]

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What Does Net Promoter Score Actually Measure?

Interview with Professor Nick Lee Some weeks ago, I met Nick Lee, Professor of Marketing at Warwick Business School to discuss his views about Net Promoter Score (NPS). I specifically wanted to get Nick’s views on NPS as a measurement tool. Does it work? Is it linked to sales growth? What does Net Promoter Score even measure? Nick has […]

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